Friday, May 31, 2013

Oh where do I start......sorry for not blogging on here much. I really am new to this but I do want to learn and finally figured out the only way to do to do it!! I went back to work for a few months but am now back home for good. My job kept me traveling away from home for months. I am going to go back to designing patterns. I also have a new hobby, one I have wanted to pursue for many years, photography....I was blessed with a nice DSLR camera from my brother and have invested in some other stuff as well. I have a lot to learn, but I have read, watched, and practiced almost none stop since I got the camera. I will start posting a few pics as I go along....I also am going to work on some patterns and get more published. This evening I will be working on a pair of baby booties that I have in my to just get them designed and the pattern on paper. Don't forget....if you haven't already, go check out my website at and visit me on facebook at