Saturday, July 7, 2012

My random thoughts.......

    Any of you who know me, know that I seem to not be able to concentrate on one thing at a time......I am sure there is a name for this affliction of mine. ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, scatter brain.....I don't know......But the important thing is that I recognize this and deal with it. I have lately decided to quit fighting it and instead work with it. So now I have about 4 projects going all at the same time. This way I can jump back and forth on them. I limit myself to just these projects until all of them are complete.....then start again with 4 more. It works for far.
    Tomorrow I will be working on two orders, a blanket for a friends baby, and cleaning my shop......I really want to work in my garden some, but will make this wait until I have the other projects done.
    I am also learning to make lists for myself. I seem to always have a million ideas swimming in my head but as soon as I sit down to work on them, they are gone......Sad part is I can't even blame it on age because I have always been this way.......

This is what I am working on:

This set of Thing One and Thing Two is my own personal design and I am hoping to get it published soon. If interested in ordering these you can find them in my etsy shop at:

And I am making this one for a friend who is due in 2 weeks:

This pattern for this baby blanket can be found on Etsy at

A big thank you to April Chavez for the awesome pictures!

All of the about the above items can be ordered custom made.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The beginning of my blogging....From Hand to Heart

Okay so this blogger stuff is new to me so everyone will have to bear with me while I figure it out, below are some of the items I have made. Several of these items I now have published patterns for. You can find the patterns in my etsy store at