Saturday, July 7, 2012

My random thoughts.......

    Any of you who know me, know that I seem to not be able to concentrate on one thing at a time......I am sure there is a name for this affliction of mine. ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, scatter brain.....I don't know......But the important thing is that I recognize this and deal with it. I have lately decided to quit fighting it and instead work with it. So now I have about 4 projects going all at the same time. This way I can jump back and forth on them. I limit myself to just these projects until all of them are complete.....then start again with 4 more. It works for far.
    Tomorrow I will be working on two orders, a blanket for a friends baby, and cleaning my shop......I really want to work in my garden some, but will make this wait until I have the other projects done.
    I am also learning to make lists for myself. I seem to always have a million ideas swimming in my head but as soon as I sit down to work on them, they are gone......Sad part is I can't even blame it on age because I have always been this way.......

This is what I am working on:

This set of Thing One and Thing Two is my own personal design and I am hoping to get it published soon. If interested in ordering these you can find them in my etsy shop at:

And I am making this one for a friend who is due in 2 weeks:

This pattern for this baby blanket can be found on Etsy at

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