Sunday, August 12, 2012

Today was a great day!! We had a friend we haven't seen in a long time come over yesterday and him and my husband went fishing. I of course stayed home and worked on my next crochet pattern idea.....Then this morning we all went to breakfast and we said goodbye to him. Hopefully next time it won't be so long in between visits.....
Really excited about this next idea....

This afternoon my hubby and I took a long drive out in the country. I tried to get some really good pictures of the horses. I think that they were all camera shy. Each time I got the camera out and tried to set it up they ran off and hid......

I have gotten the results back from one person so far on the Cat with the Hat pattern....and looks like it is all good.......I can't wait to get this one published!! 

Now I need to get a couple of orders done!! Have a good evening everyone and leave me a is lonely here in blogland.....

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