Monday, November 5, 2012

Well It's about time I posted a blog to let you know what's going on in my life lately. I have pretty much quit taking custom orders so that I may concentrate on the crochet patterns. I am still making items. I have been made an offer to supply crochet items to a high end boutique in Oklahoma City, OK. I am really excited about this for a number of reasons. I can make what and how much I want, and on the days I am having issues with my hands, I can let them rest. I got a little overwhelmed with orders for awhile. I loved the orders but found it hard to keep up some days. I will also now be posting a few free items on this blog that I have available on Ravelry and Craftsy. I recently had one of my free items on the top 20 list!! That may not seem like a big deal to some but was quite an honor for me. Here is my craftsy link where you will find my free patterns and my very reasonable prices patterns. From Hand to Heart Pattern store 

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