Friday, June 21, 2013

Many of you know that I have started playing a little with photography....mostly to be able to take some of my photos of my items I make. I have been studying tons of youtube videos and playing endless hours with my camera, as well as tons of time with both Lightroom and Photoshop......I just need some willing victims to photograph now.....Seems everyone is afraid of me pointing a camera at them...LOL. Here are a couple of pics I took yesterday of the little boy I babysit. I wish I had set my camera speed a little faster and maybe I could of caught the water a little better. But overall I liked them, and his gramma (who is raising him) LOVED them......that's all that matters!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

      I am busy, busy, busy, working on some new crochet patterns!! I hope to have some ready to go to the testers in a day or two. As soon as all edits are done, they will be up for sale. It take ten days to get back results from testers.....
     I have also been really busy getting some items ready for twins....they will make their appearance in the world sometime in August. I am excited that I get to photography them. I am also going to be doing photos for my nieces wedding.....I am really nervous about it...I don't want to let her down. I love to take photos but am nowhere near a pro.....YET!!!! For those of you who don't know me....I have loved photography my whole life. But up until recently I could never afford the equipement needed. I received an awesome camera as a present from my brother. I have since saved and bought several lenses, lights, stands, and other accessories to go with it. I save all the money from the crafts I make and the patterns I sell to put into my photography.....YES I am that serious about it . I am also very serious about designing patterns!!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Oh where do I start......sorry for not blogging on here much. I really am new to this but I do want to learn and finally figured out the only way to do to do it!! I went back to work for a few months but am now back home for good. My job kept me traveling away from home for months. I am going to go back to designing patterns. I also have a new hobby, one I have wanted to pursue for many years, photography....I was blessed with a nice DSLR camera from my brother and have invested in some other stuff as well. I have a lot to learn, but I have read, watched, and practiced almost none stop since I got the camera. I will start posting a few pics as I go along....I also am going to work on some patterns and get more published. This evening I will be working on a pair of baby booties that I have in my to just get them designed and the pattern on paper. Don't forget....if you haven't already, go check out my website at and visit me on facebook at

Monday, November 5, 2012

Well It's about time I posted a blog to let you know what's going on in my life lately. I have pretty much quit taking custom orders so that I may concentrate on the crochet patterns. I am still making items. I have been made an offer to supply crochet items to a high end boutique in Oklahoma City, OK. I am really excited about this for a number of reasons. I can make what and how much I want, and on the days I am having issues with my hands, I can let them rest. I got a little overwhelmed with orders for awhile. I loved the orders but found it hard to keep up some days. I will also now be posting a few free items on this blog that I have available on Ravelry and Craftsy. I recently had one of my free items on the top 20 list!! That may not seem like a big deal to some but was quite an honor for me. Here is my craftsy link where you will find my free patterns and my very reasonable prices patterns. From Hand to Heart Pattern store 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hey everyone, come join me for my 500 fans on my Facebook page giveaway! Lots of great items from lots of great vendors available! Below is the direct link to the items in the giveaway. It is free and anyone can enter!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Well my facebook page has reached almost 500 fans and I am doing a giveaway. I have quite a few people who have donated and more be adding all the time so go check it out

The giveaway will start as soon as I reach 500 fans and end three weeks from the time it opens.

Here is what I was working on last night: They are for sale on my facebook page. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Today was a great day!! We had a friend we haven't seen in a long time come over yesterday and him and my husband went fishing. I of course stayed home and worked on my next crochet pattern idea.....Then this morning we all went to breakfast and we said goodbye to him. Hopefully next time it won't be so long in between visits.....
Really excited about this next idea....

This afternoon my hubby and I took a long drive out in the country. I tried to get some really good pictures of the horses. I think that they were all camera shy. Each time I got the camera out and tried to set it up they ran off and hid......

I have gotten the results back from one person so far on the Cat with the Hat pattern....and looks like it is all good.......I can't wait to get this one published!! 

Now I need to get a couple of orders done!! Have a good evening everyone and leave me a is lonely here in blogland.....